Sofa So Good

early 2016 – now

Story: Anyone who spends his entire youth in Munich – especially in the district Hadern – knows that there is a lack of bars/pubs. For this reason my friends and I decided to take the chance and open our own bar in May 2016.
Together we created a space where people of all ages and backgrounds could come together, get to know each other and enjoy a drink in a cosy atmosphere.
As the bar’s name “Sofa so Good“ already implies, the bar has a living room charm, but not only for an aesthetic reason. Due to the rented space, we only had two weeks between the idea of opening a bar and the actual inauguration, so we equipped the bar with second-hand interior, which was provided free of charge by family, friends and neighbours.
The bar is still run by our collective of friends, which is constantly growing. Half of the profit goes to our collective and the other half as a donation to various good causes.
Every single one of our collective works in his or her area of expertise, so that fortunately almost all essential areas are (covered (design, staff, finance, purchase, logistics, etc.).
My main task is to create the entire look, the CI, etc.

#creativedirection #ci #interiour

Studio Gianni +